Editorial Services FAQs
What is the turnaround time to edit my book?
As with all of our publishing procedures, the time required is entirely up to you, the author. You will receive a copy of the revision during the editorial process to review, approve, and request changes. Our initial edit might take two to four weeks to complete.
Can I approve everything if I trust my editor to expedite the process?
In our opinion, our editors are fantastic too! However, before approving, we still ask that you review their edits. Because they adhere to The Chicago Manual of Style, our editors could suggest serial commas or other stylistic elements, which you may not want. Additionally, the process could be slowed down and cost more money if you approve the revisions and discover something later.
Why must I review the edits?
While our editors are skilled professionals, they are also human. Also, they may suggest changing something you find objectionable. Therefore, consider this the time to polish your manuscript.
What makes editing so crucial?
A professionally published book has certain expectations and standards for quality. An author’s reputation may suffer if a book doesn’t live up to that expectation. We want our authors to publish the best version of their books.
Can a friend edit my book?
Before submitting your manuscript, a friend could review an early draft; however, an experienced editor should still edit it. Our editors use resources from the publishing industry, such as The Chicago Manual of Style, and are experts in publishing. Even if your friend is a grammar expert, the quality of your manuscript will improve with a variety of readers.
Do I get to speak directly to my editor?
Your Publication Assistant handles communication between the author and editor. Having a skilled and experienced person in charge of all communications is ideal. Our specialist and technical staff, like editors, designers, and marketers, focus only on their specialty and do not engage directly with authors.