Beat Down But Still Standing
This book, Beat Down but Still Standing, is the remembered impressions of what it's like to start out thinking that something was wrong and never being able to place a finger on the culprit of what was happening to me. At a very young age, I noticed that other kids didn't like me; I was picked on, bullied, and talked about most of the time in my face, but my mind never allowed me to become upset, scared, or even angry. I was honestly trying to process how I got in these situations or what I did, knowing that I was not a troublemaker nor did I like witnessing trouble. My adolescent years were pretty much the same but with more intensity to some degree, shape, fashion, and/or form. It seems as though the bad memories outweigh the good memories by a long shot. To experience the unseen and to know that there is some force or something unexplainable attached to my life compelled me to question what, who, how, and why these things were taking place, which led me to a totally different world I never knew existed. Finding out after my breakdown in November of 2019 that some people will use different ways to manipulate and take advantage of others for their own gain or satisfaction, clout, or even monetary gain, I started to read and research about the world of mysticism.As I receive clarity and receipts of my biography is filled with events that would make someone think that I couldn't possibly be serious. So even though the sequel to this will hopefully the last extension from being beat down in every way you could think. The next book will have a lighter feel of happy events.I love y'all!
-- Funcine Wingate