Bullies, Bosses, and Angels
Second Edition
Bullies are everywhere, and as an employee, many of us have experienced a BU–VID 20 pandemic (BU–bullies, VID–infested, 20–for at least the last twenty years) in many areas of our careers. Bullying is not just in nursing but all avenues of employment where employees may experience bullying with no recourse to stop the bully. This is in only places of employment that do not enforce anti–bullying behavior, and policy and procedures are not enforced although recommended. Why? Because there are no state or federal regulations that make this behavior unacceptable in an place of employment, therefore, not enforceable to stop the behavior. Bosses can be jerks all they want, nothing happens to stop the behavior, and employees leave their job because of this.
-- Barb Leon RN, MSN, PHN