On the Horizon
Throughout mankind's existence, there has always been a political element. Yet modern politics has evolved to a point of fanatical unrealistic expectations and ideals. Technology, entertainment, and social media have created a delusional yet extravagant world where many are hoodwinked into believing that the solutions to mankind's problems can be controlled by simply maneuvering a joystick, tweeting a perspective, or just singing kumbaya. The notion that one switch can be turned off and another on surpasses all human reason yet seems to be the popular ideology in modern times. A subtle underlying power has replaced realism with an overwhelming inner force for change, with differing views and deep–seated emotions having triggered widespread conflicts and a social erosion never before seen in human history. You will soon discover the force that makes it impossible for humans to find success in governance, undermines their endeavor to bring peace and security to humanity and how this powerful agent actually finds pleasure in anarchy and conflict. Prepare to be astounded as to what will be revealed concerning the rise and fall of human governments and what is in store for these political institutions. I want to thank you for choosing On the Horizon. I am confident you will find it thoroughly mind–boggling, entertaining, and undoubtedly revealing.
Because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12)
-- Nicholas Miran