The Gospel According to Man
Kenneth Ray Sidberry was born in the South in the sixties, when it was difficult to be both Black and poor. Sidberry was his mother's maiden name, she was an unwed teenager when he was born. It was the learning, burning, yearning, pleasure, and pain of growing up during that period that would have an indelible and unshakable impact on the remainder of his life. His mother could not give him much in the way of material things, but she provided him something significantly more important, belief in God, and a belief that God had gifted and preordained him to preach to millions. That gift was never on greater display than when he preached her home going eulogy. He was not even in his teens but had them falling in the aisles, even his grandmother, whom he had never seen in a church. Realizing the South wasn't going to change, he and his best friend, also a gifted preacher and musician moved to Philadelphia. With stone cold good preaching, rock your socks of music and an unrepentant will they turned a store front church into one of the largest mega churches on the east coast. Now, Bishop Fly, he had long ago shed the country boy name and persona, and two of his executive board members, lay at church altar dead, with gun shots to the back of their heads.
Though many men profess the gospel according to the bible, they find themselves in the gravitational pull of the carnal, their heart and head. They find themselves living their own gospel "The Gospel According to Man"
-- Kenneth Ray Sidberry Garrett