Our Latest Releases

Love is in the Air, Wine is in the Glass

This publication was created to inform others of the recent California Wildfires. It focuses on the Tubbs fire in Santa Rosa, California, about 3 years ago, which, at that time was...



Why do People Become Ill, and How does It Happen?

In this eye–opening book, Scandinavian–born medical doctor and ...

Modern Healthcare Delivery, Deliverance or Debacle

Ms. Runouta Patience felt it was time to call her doctor. Her sore throat was just not getting any better. She had an earache, a sinus headache, and was congested. With no appointm...

Under the Red Carpet of Babylon

Under the Red Carpet of Babylon is story of Tagg Faulkner, a professional star wrangler assigned to escort and assist talent during award shows and rehearsals during the biggest mo...

Benny Bee

Benny the honeybee really wants a friend. He doesn't understand why people run away when he flies near!Will Benny ever be able to find someone who will accept him?...

Evening Fall

Karen Miller–a sister, a wife, and a mother of two. Traveling alone at night with her two small children, trying to get to her dying mother that lived in North Carolina, the...

Another Day in Paradise

In 1844, there was a land rush to North Central Florida. Rush land was selling for forty–seven cents an acre, and Horatio Elgin purchased 5,600 acres of it. He was the first...

The Taker

Jacob is a young outdoor wildlife photographer and writer living and working in Seattle, Washington, where he meets the love of his life, Maria. The two fall in love fast, but thei...

Blue Bear

Children can often use help in understanding and verbalizing their feelings in safe, simple, comforting, and encouraging ways. They must know they are not alone and that things wil...

Money Grows Here

Being hailed as the Dr. Seuss of serious subjects, Money Grows Here uses simple words and rhyme schemes to teach children a basic budgeting lesson, while subtly hinting at more com...

Pattern Coloring Book

This first–edition geometric pattern coloring book contains a series of templates that offer infinite possibilities of personal coloring and design creations enjoyable for a...

Death Waltz

Charlee Wilkes is a beautiful young woman living in Lake Arrowhead, California, who becomes inexplicably drawn to move to Rogue River, Oregon-alone. Against family wishes, she move...