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The Power of Social Media for Authors

The Power of Social Media for Authors

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the key to unlocking literary success lies in the strategic use of social media. Modern authors must now harness the power of these platforms to connect with...

The Role of Beta Readers in Polishing Your Manuscript

The Role of Beta Readers in Polishing Your Manuscript

As an aspiring author, you've poured your heart and soul into crafting a manuscript that you hope will captivate readers. But even the most talented writers can benefit from a fresh perspective and...

Character Development: Common Character Arcs

Character Development: Common Character Arcs

Creating strong and believable characters is key to the craft of storytelling. Character development encompasses many things, including giving the character(s) personality and depth. Characters need...

Plotting Vs. Pantsing: Which Type of Writer Are You?

Plotting Vs. Pantsing: Which Type of Writer Are You?

Ask an author what type of writer they are, and you’ll likely hear one of two responses: Plotter or Pantser. (Pantser? What in the world does that mean?) Even if you’ve never heard these terms, you...

Setting Up a Book Signing

Setting Up a Book Signing

Book signings are a great way to promote your book, but how do you set one up? A successful book signing isn’t just thrown together at the last minute—it takes research, planning, and promotion. So...

How to Start Writing Your Book

How to Start Writing Your Book

Over 50 percent of Americans believe they’ve got what it takes to write a book. Yet, a mere 15 percent have started writing, and only 6 percent are halfway through their first draft. If you’ve never...

Social Media for Authors

Social Media for Authors

Social media is integral to marketing your book, but it can become overwhelming if you’re just starting out. Even if you’ve used social media for your personal use, approaching it from a business...

How to Market Your Book on Your Own

How to Market Your Book on Your Own

What Is Book Marketing? In a broad sense, marketing refers to promotional activities to help sell a product. For book marketing, the same is true: The goal is to sell more books and reach more...