Our Latest Releases

Little Prince Brown

Who is Little Prince Brown? He is you and you. You are strong, brave, and much more than that.


Blood on the Earth

Explosive and riveting!"The story moves at a steady clip thanks to brutal and concise confrontations. A riveting but grim and unflinching tale of two assassins." ––Ki...

The Little Yellow House at the End of the Road

Born a day apart, and raised as twins, Alexandra and Danny form a special bond. Four years later, under tragic circumstances, they're permanently separated from each other. At t...

Let it Go!

Della Leigh Boone always had a creature with her. Della could not wait to show her mom her new love of a creature. Her mom always ended by telling Della to "let it go."Della som...

Lesson Plan

The clues to stopping a multiphase assassination plot against the president and his family are inside a high school lesson plan.Renegade CIA operative Reid Mathews goes undercov...


What's my Label?My name is William Henry Meyer.Is that enough to distinguish me from others and explain who I am?I am William (my maternal grandfather's name), and I am Henry (m...

Over Shadowed

"No," Petra searched her thoughts, remembering the night he was shot. It wasn't a dream; she was almost certain."No?" Daniel asked."You're dead," she whispered, barely able t...

Where are Pappa's Glasses?

Have you ever looked for something that you just could not find? Were you sad, scared, or upset? Did you think you lost your mind?So many times, things are just not where they s...

The Boy Who Loves Red

The book is about a young boy with a love for the color red, and he gets into mischief as he wants to see everything he comes into contact with his favorite color.


Florida Thunder

When people think of Florida, what comes to mind are sandy beaches, alligators, and Mickey Mouse. Few realize that Florida was the third state to secede from the Union. It was a...

Josh the Frog and the Missing Lily Pads

Josh the Frog's lily pads have gone missing! Go on a journey with him to help find them! Along with the fun rhyme–and–riddle ride, you will meet some of Josh's oth...

Smorgasbord 2: Catch Up & Relish

Here it is, the sequel and true continuation of the original work, Smorgasbord. So much so, that if you put Smorgasbord and Smorgasbord 2 together, they would make one complete boo...